What is the theme for the 2025 Eastbourne Carnival?

What is the theme for the 2025 Eastbourne Carnival?

Celebrations of the world 🌍

Join us in creating a Carnival full of global celebration! 🎉

Get creative with your costumes and floats and celebrate some of the most spectacular, diverse events from across the world.

Take inspiration from the many carnivals and festivities – for example: Venice, Brazil, Trinidad, Bolivia! Or choose other big celebrations e.g. Bonfire night, Mardi Gras, St Patricks’ Day, Pride – the choice is yours!

We welcome musicians, singers, drummers, bands, sound systems, dancers and those that focus on their costume or floats.

We want this Carnival to be full of colour and performance!

Eastbourne Carnival

Where does Carnival start and what is the route?

Entrants will be given specific times to line up approximately 2 weeks before the Carnival.

The Parade officially begins at 2pm departing from Fishermen’s Green and will end at the Wish Tower Slopes, Western Lawns.

Performances at Eastbourne Carnival

Entrants have the opportunity to do a performance facing towards the Bandstand VIP Area.

The performance should not exceed 3 minutes where possible – the performance will be judged by the Bandstand audience, together with the ‘People’s Choice’ vote which takes place after Carnival.

You can contact us by email if you have any queries about your entry.

I want help with my entry for Eastbourne Carnival

Lightning Fibre’s Eastbourne Carnival Creative workshops – 8th March 12pm – 5pm – Prop Making workshop – DC Learn, Seaside

15th March 12pm – 5pm – Sewing workshop – 186 Seaside

22nd & 23rd March 10am – 4pm – Costume workshops – Gather, The Beacon

28th March 12pm – 5pm – Sewing workshop – 186 Seaside

3rd & 4th May 10am – 4pm – Costume workshops – Gather, The Beacon

10th May 10am – 4pm – Prop Making Part 2 – DC Learn, Seaside

Book Costume email: cottoncandy.hub@hotmail.com

Book Prop Making email: gina@devonshirecollective.co.uk

Book Sewing email: admin@sewsussex.co.uk

Dance & Performance – learn how to strut your stuff with Cherry Dance or Dance with Emma

Contact us by email for more info or other workshop requests info@eastbournecarnival.com

Keep an eye on the News Section of our website or on our social media for updates on these or contact us by email for more information.

There is also a Facebook Group for Entrants.

I want to use a vehicle as part of my entry – what insurances will I need?

All entrants with an accompanying vehicle need insurance to cover their band.

Specific insurance needs to be arranged for your vehicle to cover how you intend to use it during the Carnival.

Additionally, wheel Marshals need to be in situ to prevent any accidents or injuries to participants on foot.

We ask that you have a minimum of two marshals wearing high viz bibs walking either side of the front wheels of each vehicle.

You can contact us by email if you have any queries about Insurance and Health & Safety for your entry.

I want to use a vehicle as part of my entry – what insurances will I need?
Fundraising at Carnival

Fundraising at Carnival

If you are a Charity, CIC or Community Group – please indicate this on your entry. We may ask further information to substantiate your status. Those eligible will be able to benefit from proceeds raised through bucket collection on the day. The money raised goes to Eastbourne Carnival towards next year’s event, and a portion is shared evenly with Charities and those eligible.

Why Sponsor The Carnival
Promoting your cause at Carnival

Promoting your cause at Carnival

Carnival is a celebration, and each entry must contain an element of performance. This can be through music, singing, dancing or costume presentation.

Any banners should be to highlight your organisation only i.e. your name, and not a statement of your cause.

You can contact us by email if you have any queries about your entry.

Register as an entrant.

Register as a entrant
Environmental guidance for entrants and the public

Environmental guidance for entrants and the public


Eastbourne Carnival seeks to be as sustainable as possible.

We work in line with Guidance from Eastbourne Borough Council and ask our entrants to comply with the following:

  1. Balloons are NOT permitted at Eastbourne Carnival. This is because they cause significant harm to Marine life.
  2. Single use plastic is prohibited (where relevant) i.e. plastic bags, drinks bottles, plastic cutlery, single use food containers and plastic cups.
  3. Entrants are discouraged from giving out stickers.
  4. Entrants are required to take responsibility of their own waste generated by their entry and take back and recycle.

The Public

  1.  Balloons are NOT permitted at Eastbourne Carnival. This is because they cause significant harm to Marine life.
  2. The public are encouraged to bring refillable bottles for water and use the Refill points along the route. Download the Refill App to locate the closest refill points.
  3. The public are advised to be responsible for their rubbish and ensure they place in appropriate bin or take home.
  4. Please consider how you get to Carnival – taking public transport, car sharing, walking or cycling as is practical if you can.